Find a Tip in our 250+ Photo Tips

Business visionIn 2008, I decided to start writing a weekly Picasa Tip.  Picasa is free software by Google for managing all the pictures on your computer.  This site has been called “PicasaTutorials” and “PicasaGeeks.” In May of 2015 Google released the smartphone apps called Google Photos. I Love Google Photos! So I am now also writing about Google Photos and you can get to this site by typing in! If you subscribe to our free email Tip of the Week, you get an email every time we post a new tip.  you’ve probably read a bunch of them!  But, what if you wanted to find a past tip?

Search the All Articles Page

My favorite way to find an article on this site is to visit the All Articles page.  There you’ll find a complete listing of all 250+ articles alphabetically by title.  You can scan thru the entire list, or, if you remember something about the title, you can use the browser Find function – Ctrl-F (Cmd-F on Mac) to open up a Find: box.  You’ll see a box open up in the upper right corner of your browser window.  Type what you’re looking for and it will search the text of the current page..  For example, if you type Tag into the find box, it instantly highlights in bright yellow all places on the page where tag is found:

Seaching full Text

If the term you’re searching does not appear in the title of an article, you can use the Search box at the top right of every page.  Type a word in there and it will search the text of every article.  Be aware that this is a literal search of each word.  So, if you enter How do I resize a picture into this box, it will return every page that has the word “How” in it, or do, or I etc.  – all 200 articles will be returned. And, if you put quotes around “How do I resize a Picture?”  You will get 0 results because no article has that exact phrase.


Using Google

Probably the best way to search is using Google because you can ask conversational questions like “How do I resize Pictures” … to limit the results to just pages in the website, add the option like this:

How do I resize a picture

Note: it is important that there be no space between site: and

Searching for Tutorial Videos on

All these same techniques work on our Tutorial Video site as well.  So, if you’re looking for a video on Picasa and resizing pictures, you could go to the Learning Library page for Picasa and use Ctrl-F (Cmd-F on Mac) and type resize.  Now scroll down the page and you will see the video(s) with ‘resize’ in the title.

Or use the Google search with the site option:  How Do I resize a picture

This will give you results from the video library as well as the newsletter articles and the forum posts, and they all will be from the website.

This tip brought to you by Geeks on Tour

Geeks on Tour is a membership website with hundreds of Tutorial Videos on topics of interest to travelers, such as using smartphones and tablets, managing digital photos with Picasa or Google Photos, using Google Maps, and sharing your travels with a website using Blogger or with friends on Facebook. You can subscribe to our free e-newsletters, or become a paid member and be able to view all of the videos in the Learning Library.

Published by


Chris is a teacher. Although she comes as close to an expert as possible in many areas of computer usage, she can still remember what it's like not to know these things! That means she can communicate with students in a way that teaches and doesn't demean. She really enjoys teaching one-on-one and for groups of people, but she reaches a worldwide audience with her tutorial videos on the website. She currently travels the country in an RV with her husband, Jim. As Geeks on Tour, they present computer seminars at RV rallies, computer clubs, and Senior Centers all over the US.

13 thoughts on “Find a Tip in our 250+ Photo Tips”

  1. Thanks so much for these directions. Today’s hint is so clear that I’m determined to slow down and try to get a handle on learning all about Geeks on Tour sooner rather than later.

    I only joined recently and haven’t really studied it much, but I hope to find the time to master it.

    Again, thanks.


  2. Thanks so much for pointing this out, I have saved all emails for a few years now, but its a pain to sort through them to find an answer, this solves that problem. Love all the work you do.


  3. Hi Geeks, I read about your very mobile life ands I was wondering, with so much electronic stuff in your camper, are you not worried about being robbed? We once rented a camper and yes, never again as we had robbers who “only” took $ 100 but it was frightening the following nights sleeping out there…

    What do you think?

    Apologies for posting this query here but nowhere on your site I can find a general CONTACT link – If I missed it it is clearly not in an obvious spot.

    Regards from The Hague, The Netherland



  4. I have a Canon PowerShot A 4000IS camera – I have taken some pics with it that have the date and time in the lower right hand corner. I just became aware of a photo contest in which I want to enter one of those pictures but I need to remove or obliterate the date in the picture otherwise I think it will be disqualified if I submit wit with the time and date on it. Is there anyway I can delete, remove, hide, obliterate the date in the picture? I have it uploaded from my camera to my computer and it is now deleted from my camera.


  5. I have been a member for a couple years and love your Utubes. My Wife has asked me to take pictures during an upcoming ladies fund raising lunch and to make those available for the users to get to. What process do you recommend and is there a video that will educate me.



  6. I can’t find your article on how to brighten foreground (darkened faces, for example) that result from shooting into strong backlighting. Can you direct me to it? I am quite sure I received something on it from you. By the way, I have not received a newsletter for some time. I hope all is well with you two. Thanks very much.


  7. It is not clear (from this article) if the existing Picasa newsletter should resubscribe or will continue to get future ones. Has Picasa newsletter been retired ?


    1. It’s the same newsletter – actually it’s a notification of new content here on I will just be continuing to add articles about Google Photos as well as Picasa.


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