Finding Pictures with Two People

Some people adore the Face Recognition feature in Picasa – just ask anyone researching their family genealogy!  Some people find it a nuisance.  I fall somewhere in the middle.  But, I have found a really good use for it myself and I want to pass that along.

Have you ever needed to find a photo of you and your spouse together?  I recently did.  How long do you think it took me to go thru my 25,000 pictures and find the best one that has both me and Jim in it?  1 hour?  2 hours?

How about 2 seconds!.  Here’s how I did it:

  1. Click on the People album for Jim (that one click narrowed it down to 347 pictures selected)
  2. Click on the People button in the lower right corner – that opens up the People pane and you will see all the other faces that appear in the selected pictures.
  3. In the people pane, click on a picture of me.

Now I’m looking at 62 pictures where both Jim and I are in the photo.  It’s a pretty easy task to find the best one now.


Oh yeah … I like this picture from our travels last summer.  Recognize the famous house in the background?  That’s Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright.


Geeks on Tour is a membership website with hundreds of Tutorial Videos on topics of interest to travelers, such as managing digital photos with Picasa, Route-Planning with Streets and Trips, and sharing your travels with a website using Blogger or with friends on Facebook. You can subscribe to our free e-newsletters, or become a paid member and be able to view all of the videos in the Learning Library.


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Chris is a teacher. Although she comes as close to an expert as possible in many areas of computer usage, she can still remember what it's like not to know these things! That means she can communicate with students in a way that teaches and doesn't demean. She really enjoys teaching one-on-one and for groups of people, but she reaches a worldwide audience with her tutorial videos on the website. She currently travels the country in an RV with her husband, Jim. As Geeks on Tour, they present computer seminars at RV rallies, computer clubs, and Senior Centers all over the US.

9 thoughts on “Finding Pictures with Two People”

  1. Thanks for an extremely helpful tip. Especially because, try as I might, my pictures are not well organized on Picasa. I often experience duplicate pictures on Picasa (yes, I always check the do not copy duplicates)and I am afraid to delete for fear they will be totally deleted from my hard drive.
    I am so glad a Picasa teacher in Port Charlotte,Fl told us about your site!


  2. I just tried it and it really works so well so quickley–Thanks again–Love all your tips–That’s really a good picture of the two of you at Falling Waters.


  3. Great tips – about dupes, and about finding pics with multiple people. Thank you.

    By the way – I have to say that at first glance, I thought you were wearing one of Philip Treacy’s latest hats!!!!!


  4. So a little late to the party – but maybe you wizards know; how do you search for images with JUST the person(s) you are looking for? Example; I want to display all pictures of my sister, but only the pictures where she is alone in the picture. Or, the pictures of my sister and her boyfriend, but only the pictures of them, and noone else.

    Makes sense?

    How do you do it in Picasa?



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